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发布时间:2024-02-02 21:30:57



1. be doomed to:注定

be doomed to的意思是“注定”,指事物或人注定要遭受不幸或灾难性结局。这个短语经常用于表示某种不可避免的、不幸的结果。例如:

His reckless behavior was doomed to end in disaster. (他鲁莽的行为注定会以灾难告终。)

The town is doomed to be destroyed by the advancing floodwaters. (该城镇注定会被不断扩大的洪水摧毁。)

2. be destined to:命中注定

be destined to的意思是“命中注定”,指由某种命运或上天安排的事物或人。这个短语强调某种事物或人注定要发生或成为某种结果。例如:

Being blind and deaf, Helen Keller seemed destined to spend her life in isolation. (作为一个又聋又瞎的人,海伦·凯勒似乎注定要孤独度过一生。)

The two of them were destined to meet and fall in love. (他们两个人命中注定要相遇并相爱。)


1. be doomed to:基本结构

be doomed to的基本结构是“be + doomed to + 动词原形”。这个句式表示某种注定要发生的结果。例如:

The project is doomed to fail without proper funding.(如果没有适当的资金支持,这个项目注定会失败。)

She realized that her marriage was doomed to end sooner or later.(她意识到她的婚姻迟早会走到尽头。)

2. be destined to:强调被动形式

be destined to的常用形式是被动语态,即“be + destined + for + 名词”。这个短语强调某种被上天或命运安排好的结果。例如:

Robert is destined for a career in the army.(罗伯特注定要从事军队的职业。)

The old building was destined for demolition to make way for a new mall.(这座老房子注定要被拆除,为新的商场腾地。)


1. doom:厄运、不幸


From the start, his plan was doomed to failure.(从一开始,他的计划就注定会失败。)

The team's lack of experience doomed them to lose the championship.(团队缺乏经验注定他们会输掉冠军。)

2. destiny:命运、注定


It is his destiny to become a great leader.(成为一位伟大的领导者是他的命运。)

The meeting of two souls in love is a destiny that cannot be changed.(两颗相爱的心的相遇是不可改变的命运。)

be doomed to和be destined to在指代、语法和侧重点方面存在明显的区别。前者强调注定要遭受不幸结局,后者强调命中注定的结果。语法上,前者使用动词原形,后者常用被动形式。而侧重点上前者更强调不幸和终结,后者更强调命运和命中注定。

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